The New Healthy Homes Standard has come into effect in New Zealand and it is a requirement for all rental properties to have adequate moisture barrier for concrete floors.
The new healthy homes standards will make rental homes healthier for tenants:
All rental homes will be required to have a heater that can heat the main living area to 18˚C.
Rental homes must have ceiling and underfloor insulation that either meets the 2008 Building Code insulation standard, or (for existing ceiling insulation) has a minimum thickness of 120mm.
Rental homes will also be drier under these changes as kitchens and bathrooms will have to have extraction fans or rangehoods.
Where rental homes have an enclosed subfloor space, property owners will need to install a ground moisture barrier to stop moisture rising into the home
The standards also reinforce existing law that says landlords must have adequate drainage and guttering to prevent water entering the home.
Draughts that make a home harder to heat will have to be blocked.
For about 20 years Floor Masters have been installing moisture barriers on concrete floors to prevent moisture coming through concrete floor and walls, making safer, warmer and drier living environments for kiwi families.
This is not just a benefit for tenants, but also for property owners. Stopping moisture entering a building can have a dramatic effect of the service life of carpet and other flooring, as well as ceiling paint and all the fitting in the building.

The Moisture Barrier Process
First, we diamond grind the surface to remove all coatings and contamination, and to open the surface up for a good penetrating bond of our resin.
All holes and gaps are filled and cracks and joints are addressed.
We then apply 1 or 2 coats of our special moisture barrier epoxy resin (number of coats is determined by the condition of the concrete – some floor are more porus than others. Drytek Moisture Barrier
Moisture Barrier Testing
If you are unsure if your floor has an adequate moisture barrier – we can do a scan test. Our moisture meter has a special function for scanning about 20mm into the concrete surface and measures the moisture content. This is a quick test method and proves accurate enough to determine if there is an issue.
If you require a more comprehensive test, with written reports, we can refer you to an independent consultant who can carry out this testing and offer documentation. This involves drilling some holes into the surface and installing sensors.
Between tenants is the perfect time to have a moisture barrier installed. Be sure to book this in advance so the work can be scheduled to match your “in between days”.